Survey Record

Does your Society have goals and/or measurable objectives that guide establishment of programsNo
If so, please provide a short descriptionASBMB's Minority Affairs Committee has a strategic plan with thematic goals. Strategies include targeting development of undergrad pipelines, promote professional development of URM scientists, and expand engagement of URM faculty in non-academic career tracks.
What is the name of your society?American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
What is the name of your society's diversity-related program or activity?Minority Affairs Committee
Please provide a link to description of the program if it still ongoing or only recently ended:
What year did the program start? (YYYY):2020
What year did the program end, if not ongoing (YYYY):
If the program is not continuing, why not?
Target populationPostdoc, Early-Career Faculty
If other, please specify:
Brief description of the program:The MOSAIC program is part of the NIH’s efforts to enhance diversity within the academic biomedical research workforce, and is designed to facilitate the transition of promising postdoctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds into independent faculty careers in research-intensive institutions.
What led you to the start the program?We wanted more programs to help postdocs and early career faculty.
What is the theory or logic underlying the program design?n/a
Is there a formal logic model? If so, please upload here.
What are the goals and measurable objectives of the program?Facilitate transition of promising postdoctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds (e.g., see No​tice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity​) from their mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent faculty positions at research-intensive institutions.
How many participants were/are there either annually or for a one-time event?n/a
Describe how the program was assessed/evaluated.Participant Tracking to Determine Outcomes
Please describe (other):
What were the conclusions drawn from the evaluation?not yet started
What challenges have been encountered?n/a
Is there any long-term outcome tracking of participants?No
If so, what is being tracked?
How has the program evolved over time?n/a
If you were to give advice to another group considering a program like this, what would you tell them?n/a
How much did the program cost/year?n/a
Where does funding for the program come from?NIH
Who are/were the primary individuals who contributed to the design and/or delivery of the program or activity?Ruma Banerjee is the PI
Are there any formal reports or publications that have come out of the program?No
If so, please upload here
or provide a link to where they reside
Who can be contacted for more information about the program?