Survey Record

Does your Society have goals and/or measurable objectives that guide establishment of programsYes
If so, please provide a short descriptionPromote the centrality of cell biology to diversify membership, expand partnerships with adjacent disciplines and societies, and help others see themselves as cell biologists.
What is the name of your society?American Society for Cell Biology
What is the name of your society's diversity-related program or activity?ASCB poster competition and reception (EdComm/MAC)
Please provide a link to description of the program if it still ongoing or only recently ended:
What year did the program start? (YYYY):1995
What year did the program end, if not ongoing (YYYY):N/A
If the program is not continuing, why not?
Target populationUndergrad, Grad, Postdoc, Early-Career Faculty
If other, please specify:
Brief description of the program:Joint poster session for MAC/EdComm travel grant awardees and undergraduate authors on abstracts. At this event postdoc/grad/undergrad posters are judged by volunteer fac/postdocs members. Judges include faculty who received MAC travel awards. This event is an opportunity for networking.
What led you to the start the program?Allow for networking in a more intimate setting & to practice presentation skills
What is the theory or logic underlying the program design?Travel awards to underrepresented jr fac/postdoc/grad/undergrad from MSIs to attend the ASCB Annual Meeting. At this event postdoc/grad/undergrad posters are judged by volunteers. Judges also include faculty who received MAC travel awards. This event is an opportunity for networking.
Is there a formal logic model? If so, please upload here.
What are the goals and measurable objectives of the program?# participants, winners based on judging rubric, # repeat participants,
How many participants were/are there either annually or for a one-time event?250-300 (includes presenters and judges in 2 sessions.
Describe how the program was assessed/evaluated.Surveys
Please describe (other):The session is evaluated for Travel Awardees.
What were the conclusions drawn from the evaluation?Most respondents felt that the poster competition provided for new learning and that attending the Poster Competition did not interfere with other conference activites.
What challenges have been encountered?Respondents would like to get their scores and more time to view other posters in this session. Cases where presentation is not done by the student in the main poster session but there is a student author that could present at the poster session.
Is there any long-term outcome tracking of participants?No
If so, what is being tracked?
How has the program evolved over time?The program was expanded (EdCom, 2 sessions, group posters, honorable mention for repeat winners). A reception to honor winners and mentors occurs on the next day and includes time for winners to practice a 2 min elevator speech.
If you were to give advice to another group considering a program like this, what would you tell them?Judge training, Check for conflicts of interest in the Judging. Allow students to receive judge feedback (app?). Adequate time/space/refreshments available. The feedback is positive from participants but the judges are not routinely assessed. Consider a certificate to document Judge service.
How much did the program cost/year?I need to find out, it varies.
Where does funding for the program come from?NIGMS_IPERT grant to ASCB_MAC
Who are/were the primary individuals who contributed to the design and/or delivery of the program or activity?MAC Committee Members, ASCB Staff support
Are there any formal reports or publications that have come out of the program?No
If so, please upload here
or provide a link to where they reside
Who can be contacted for more information about the program?Fabiola Chacon,;